Trumpet Chronicles

There is a pivotal moment in every musician's life: choosing the instrument that will become their lifelong musical companion. Don't pick wrong - it really comes back to bite you. For me, that moment arrived in the band room of my music class in grade five, where an array of brasswind, woodwind, and percussion instruments awaited eager hands of curious minds. Unlike most of my classmates, many instruments gave me a fright just be looking - the heavy-duty tuba that towered over our tiny heads, the saxophones and clarinets covered with countless menacing valves. As I hopelessly surveyed the options before me, my eyes landed on a gleaming trumpet, its golden curves promising simplicity and ease. With its modest amount of three buttons and that unmistakable funnel-like piece of metal, it seemed like the perfect choice for a clueless and naïve fifth grader like myself. Little did I know, that this seemingly i...