Are Men Inherently Aggressive?

     The myth that men are inherently aggressive and dominant is a thread woven with assumptions, perpetuated throughout generations.  The roots of this myth traces back to traditional gender roles where men are supposed to be the leaders, the warriors, the providers...

    Over time, these expectations became a cultural norm, giving rise to the belief that male assertiveness is a natural and unchangeable characteristic.  I find this idea for humanity (and even animals) to be completely absurd - it is impossible to have "inherent aggression" or "an unchangeable characteristic".  Numerous studies highlight the diversity in personality traits among men, debunking the stereotypical aggressive masculinity that all men are expected to endure.  An analysis conducted by Eagly and Sleffen in 1986 found that while men generally exhibited slightly higher levels of assertiveness, the variation within each gender was significantly greater than the differences between them, suggesting that there is shared assertiveness among both men and women.  Concluding that men are inherently aggressive is therefore an extremely fixated statement - there are many factors that play into a man's personality such as culture, family, and experience.  Although the data has shown that males tend to be more aggressive, it is not the same as "inherently aggressive", where men still encounter typical emotions and factors that any human would.

    Moreover, a study published in the American Psychologist in 2017 emphasized the importance of social context in shaping behavior.  The research displayed that men, when placed in collaborative environments, often demonstrated empathy and cooperation comparable to their female counterparts.  This emphasizes the malleability of behavior based on social circumstances.  If men are able to control their emotions in the proper time and setting, how does that make their aggression "natural" if the natural tendency is to react like any human would?  By associating leadership and assertiveness exclusively with men, these structures create gender imbalances, hindering progress toward equality.


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