
Acknowledgements: Literature in my Life

            Life offers countless experiences.  Unfortunately, I’m only human like everyone else and can only go down my own self-driven path.  But this limitation is a blessing in disguise – that is what makes life so mysterious and exciting!  If we could foreshadow what would happen in the future, that would demean the experiences we have along the way. For this reason, I am so thankful to be part of 11AP English.  I cannot begin to explain the numerous topics, motifs, stories, images, essays, and more that helped me develop a stronger understanding of my life.               I would like to start off by expressing my gratitude to F. Scott Fitzgerald for writing the Great Gatsby.  Words cannot describe how enchanted I was by the mysterious nature of Gatsby.  The fearless chaser of the greatest dreams has inspired me to do the same, not that I would like to go down the same fate, but to enjoy and appreciate life in the moment and continue to aspire the unknown futures.  Thank you for n

The Powerful Bind of Violent Graphics

       The use of photography and videography has been continuously advancing our understanding of the world and ourselves, having the power to capture reality in a fixed frame.  However, when it comes to violent photos and documentations, I wasn't fully prepared for the onslaught of nightmares I would experience.     As an engineer, my father loves solving unfathomable problems and mysteries, and some of his favorite sources of entertainment are murder mystery documentaries from shows like Forensic Files and airplane disasters/Mayday specials found on YouTube.  Little did I know, his fascination with these violent graphics would imprint deeply on my psyche, shaping my daily behavior with constant fear.  As a child, I couldn't help but eavesdrop into the speaker of my dad's phone.  "How could I miss out on such a significant story?", I thought to myself.  I couldn't let the opportunity pass. I had to hear the climax of the documentary.       However, the traum

Danger to Innovation

      In "The Virgin and the Mousetrap," Chet Raymo explores the battle between danger and innovation in scientific discovery.  While the narrative primarily focuses on radioactive materials, the theme can be seen upon various fields where the pursuit of knowledge is intertwined with risk.     One such arena is space exploration, where the quest to reach beyond Earth's atmosphere has often been deemed outlandish.  From early expeditions shut down by technical failures to more recent tragedies like the Challenger and Columbia disasters, the journey to the stars has been marked by sacrifice.  Yet, our understanding of the cosmos have been caused by eye-opening breakthroughs in technology, such as the Mars Rover mission.  The vast and never-ending excitement of discovery in space exploration has enhanced our understanding and our capabilities beyond our planet, which is an amazing feat.     Similarly, the field of genetic engineering presents ethical dilemmas and potential h

Attempting to Unveil the Mysteries of Self-Control

      The concept of self-control has been the most interesting yet mind-boggling mystery to me for many years, and I think the complex nature of this concept transcends facile explanations that requires a deeper look into human behavior.  And as I write this blog post, I am still unsure and lost in the forest of what to claim given the complex spectrum of possibilities. However, given the captivating nature of this subject, I still feel inclined to write and share about my opinion of self-control (even if it may not be accurate), and its several possible factors that stems from the human theme of threat since the beginning of our existence.     Among the challenges life brings us, the fear of losing control looms large.  From struggling to meet basic needs to facing societal pressures, everyone feels threatened in their own way.  Even those who seem to have it all can’t escape the anxiety of maintaining their status.  This fear has been with us since ancient times, shaping our instinc

Disarming Cancel Culture

      One phenomenon in the broad landscape of social media has been the rise of cancel culture, which is the outcome of halting support for an individual based on their controversial words or actions.  But is this what really happens in the aftermath? Surprisingly, the clash between celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and the outspoken Vegan Teacher was a massive success, with not only one but both sides gaining popularity over the controversy.     The battle between the two individuals began when the Vegan Teacher criticized Gordon Ramsey for his dietary choices about eating animals.  However, her arguments devolved into personal attacks over time, calling him as the "devil" and a "psychopath".  Unsurprisingly, the Vegan Teacher received backlash from her criticism of Gordon Ramsey, with most of her videos receiving a massive dislike ratio and hateful comments.          However, what's striking is Ramsay's response - or lack thereof - to the onslaught.  Instead o

Exploring Sedaris and Dumas's Narrative Choices

      In the world of literature, authors craft their narratives that reflect their unique perspectives, experiences, and styles.  David Sedaris, known for his humor and keen observations, illustrates his distinctive voice in "Me Talk Pretty One Day," while Firoozeh Dumas, in her essay "The F Word," offers an exploration of identity and language.  Despite their differing subject matters, they both make stylistic choices in their writing that shape the reader's experience.     Dumas's "The F Word" highlights the complexities of identity, belonging, and language.  Through a series of reflections, she navigates her relationship with her Iranian heritage and impact of her name.  Dumas uses parodies to mock others that mistaken her name which is a unique choice to illustrate her purpose of embracing cultural identity instead of being ignorant about it.     In contrast, Sedaris's "Me Talk Pretty One Day" is a collection of autobiographical

The MrBeast Fandom

       In a recent satirical piece by The Onion titled "Things To Never Say To A Fan of MrBeast," the article delves into the absurdity of societal perceptions particularly surrounding internet celebrities, focusing on the idolizing figure MrBeast.  Through a series of humorous and mocking remarks, The Onion cleverly critiques not only the phenomenon of MrBeast but also broader societal issues.     The article employs various satirical effects, including exaggeration, parodies, and sardonic remarks.  By presenting statements such as "Here's $10000" or "MrBeast broke into my house," The Onion highlights the extremities of both fandom and skepticism surrounding MrBeast's content revolving around his content of stunts and philanthropy.      Moreover, the satire sheds light on societal issues such as healthcare, and poverty.  Lines such as "Healthcare should be properly funded" or "Isn't it horrifying that the U.S. social safety net