Klara and the Sun: The Flaws of Rick's and Josie's Relationship

I have chosen Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro for my book club, and so far I couldn't help but notice the complex relationship between two childhood friends Josie and Rick. Growing up in an isolated rural area with few people their age, their bond was inevitable. In fact, they agreed to a plan to spend the rest of their lives together. And it seemed like a very serious and legitimate plan, with their relationship built from years of shared experiences and conversations. However, the complexity of their relationship I felt was from their different expectations they set on each other, which seemed to produce unexpected challenges within their relationship.

While their bond might make them appear "meant to be", many thoughts could get in the way of their efforts to pursue their relationship into something long-lasting. In Josie's perspective, it was clear that she wanted Rick to be more involved in social activities like the gathering at her house they had, stating "If we're serious about the plan, we need to do stuff like this together". Rick however, uncomfortable with the idea that he wouldn't belong in a group with "lifted kids", resisted. Ultimately, Rick ended up attending the gathering but found himself alone while Josie was with other peers. This difference in opinion between Josie and Rick illustrated a flaw in their relationship, not the disagreement itself, but rather the failure to recognize each other's priorities. This interaction took shape of an ultimatum where Josie forced Rick to attend the gathering, and Rick felt obliged to do so based on the fact that their long-term relationship with each other was on the line.  Their relationship is one-sided, where Josie feels she knows what is best for their relationship without considering Rick's opinion.

The article Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person by Alain de Botton highlights the tension between familiarity and happiness in relationships, which demonstrates the struggles of Josie and Rick's relationship. While their relationship is rooted in familiarity within one another, their future prospects clash with one another. Josie desires to be more proactive in their future, while Rick is hesitant and skeptical of the changes Josie seems to undergo. Their struggle reflects the larger issue in many relationships of figuring out how to reconcile differing perspectives while maintaining a deep connection. Rick and Josie have difficulty accepting these differences despite their long history.

Moreover, the article states that relationships often feel secure when they appear permanent. This may explain Rick's hesitance to fully commit to Josie, as he explains how "she doesn't stay the same," noting her strange, fluctuating character during the gathering. To Rick, these shifts in behavior might give Rick an impression that Josie cannot live up to the stability he desires in a long-term relationship.

Ultimately, the flaw in Josie ad Rick's relationship stems from the mismatched expectations. Josie struggles to convince Rick to take his future more seriously while Rick struggles with Josie's capacity for change.  Although the two have a deep friendship, their differing approaches to life and the future cause tension within the relationship.. As the article suggests, no one is perfectly suited for each other, and relationships are not all about finding the perfect person. Instead, the article emphasizes the importance to accept and navigate differences. In the case of Josie and Rick's relationship, it will most likely come down to whether they can sort out their differences and goals for one another through communication.


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