Unity is a Powerful Force, but How Easily Can Unity be Separated?

     In our life, our dreams are often shared with others much more than we think they do.  Lynn Nottage's play, "Sweat", explores the dynamics of unity and disintegration in the pursuit of shared dreams.  It effectively demonstrates what it is like to be a powerful force through the combination of shared viewpoints and perspectives but also introduces hardships and challenges in the plot that shatters the shared dream into several meaningless pieces of individuality.

    One of the strongest threads in the fabric of "Sweat" is the mutual support Stan gives in their shared labor at Olstead's.  As a formal worker at Olstead's, he can connect and openly share opinions with many different characters such as Brucie.  Even the shortest and simplest comments like "Things'll pick up" and "I hear you" gives Brucie a sense of freedom to share his deepest struggles that he probably wouldn't share with any other character.  The characters draw strength from each other, and that strength is the factor that brings many of the characters working at Olstead's together.

    Yet, even within this unity, "Sweat" illustrates how easily a seemingly supportive community can be torn apart.  Communication is the loom that weaves understanding and resolution.  However, in "Sweat", the lack of communication acts as a tension-filled knot in the fabric of unity.  Tracey and Cynthia, who are close friends struggle to openly share their perspectives about Cynthia's promotion.  Tracey refuses to openly communicate, making an excuse that "Now's not the time for this.", while Cynthia only admits that "there's been a little talk about trimming over-head" after being put under pressure by her peers.  Misunderstandings fester, and grievances remain unspoken.  Tracey and Cynthia, burdened by their individual struggles, fail to convey their fears and aspirations to each other.  The lack of open dialogue hinders the collective strength of not only their relationship with each other but with the whole group.

    Consequently, the lack of open communication leads to the lack of trust within the group, further amplifying the shadows of their relationship.  Cynthia, who may have been trying her best to support the group still failed to openly communicate her perspective before it was too late.  As a result, Tracey becomes increasingly suspicious, asking Cynthia to "Tell us what's going on? Tell us the truth", even if Cynthia never intended to lie.  The lack of trust emerged as a corrosive force, eating away at the bonds between Cynthia and Tracey that once seemed unbreakable.  Trust, once broken, is not easily mended.  Tracey's growing suspicion and fear of betrayal becomes a barrier, hindering the very support they desperately needed from each other.  

    In "Sweat", unity in one dream is a powerful combination, yet it is a force subject to the fragility of trust and the power of effective communication.  For some, unity is a lifeline, a source of strength in the face of conflict.  For others, the lack of trust and communication is a survival mechanism that seems determined to pit them against each other.  In the end, it's how mindful we are of the unity of our dreams and finding the balance between mutual support, trust, and communication that binds us together.



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