The Great Gatsby Fan Fic: A Midas & Gatsby Crossover

     In the heart of West Egg, Jay Gatsby's luxurious mansion stood tall, its brightness illuminating the night sky.  It was a Saturday evening, his mansion filled with music and laughter.  Meanwhile, in the ancient city of Phrygia, King Midas, the ruler blessed with the power to turn everything he touched into gold, suffered the loss of his daughter and pondered the loneliness of his existence.  

    One evening, a shimmering portal opens in front of Midas, connecting his world to the thriving and prosperous Roaring' Twenties.  Intrigued, King Midas stepped through, his touch transforming the portal itself into gold.  He found himself in Gatsby's mansion, mesmerized by the spectacle of wealth and excess.  King Midas suddenly caught sight of Gatsby's luxurious Rolls Royce.  Marveled by this mysterious piece of advanced technology, his finger made contact with the metal of the car, before he realized what he has done.  The guests around him for a moment were shocked, their jaws dropping one by one.  But then, everyone started cheering and rejoicing at this sight - The men were shouting and chanting, and the women were hypnotized by the shimmering object in front of them.  The chaos caught attention of the host, who was wearing a slim-fit linen suit. "What is all this ruckus ab-", Gatsby paused and looked up at his golden Rolls Royce, and then at King Midas, who looked just as confused as he was.  "I'm Jay Gatsby", he stammered, his shivering hand reaching out. "It's nice to meet you, old sport".  "I can't touch hands", said Midas awkwardly, "but it's a pleasure to meet such an elegant person like yourself".

    The two men got along well - Gatsby, with his charm and Midas, with his golden touch, stunned the high society of New York.  They seemed to be the ultimate dynamic duo of the 1920's.  One day, after Gatsby spoke with his good friend Nick Carraway about inviting his long-lasting love Daisy to tea, Gatsby asked Midas if he could attend as well, hoping to charm Daisy with his legendary golden touch.  "She really is the golden girl, isn't she old sport", Gatsby said to Midas on the phone.  At Nick's house, Gatsby was getting increasingly nervous. "You're just embarrassed, calm down", Nick assured.  Gatsby then told Midas to hide in a corner in Nick's house.  Confused, Midas reluctantly agrees.  When Gatsby could almost wait no longer for Daisy, she arrived.  Gatsby, who mysteriously disappeared, knocked at the door of Nick's house.  

    "I'm certainly glad to see you again", Daisy said in shock. "I'm certainly glad to see you as well", Gatsby replied after a long pause.  He then made himself comfortable on one of Nick's couches.  Nick's old clock, which was slowly ticking away was getting dangerously closer to Gatsby's head.  He caught the old clock just in time and placed it back on the shelf, "I'm sorry about the clock" he said.  He motioned Midas to come out of hiding, "This is my good friend Midas", Gatsby suddenly glowed with energy.  "He has the ability to turn anything you want into precious gold!".  Dazed, Midas reached out with randomness and his finger contacted Nick's old clock.  The clock, lifeless but still in motion, suddenly transformed into a mesmerizing, frozen piece of golden art.  Daisy, hypnotized by the extraordinary sight in front of her eyes, suddenly started sobbing.  "Why have I never met such an astounding figure in my life before!", she reached out to Midas's hand.  Before Gatsby could even react, she had already turned into the king's daughter, the golden girl. . . .



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