Where Should the Memorial Be?

     Memorials play an important role in commemorating individuals, events, or movements that have shaped our history.  However, there seems to be uncertainty and controversy where to place these monuments.  Deciding where to place a monument is an incredibly important decision.  For instance, an article about the movement of the San Gabriel Valley pioneers buried at Savannah Memorial Park details the struggle of this task due to the lack of resources and finances.  Had there been no complaints about the placement of the memorial, there would be no such problem.  Therefore, choosing a site must consider the long-term maintenance and preservation of the memorial.  

    Communities often have deeply rooted sentiments attached to certain locations.  Placing a memorial in a certain location can spark intense debates. The controversy about the National Holocaust Memorial Museum being placed in The Mall in Washington D.C is one prime example.  Protestors argued that the placement of the Museum in the U.S was disrespectful and unjust because the U.S closed the doors to any involvement in the Holocaust.  However, supporters claimed it would be an important addition to The Mall's vast collection of memorials.  Different groups may have conflicting views on the appropriateness of a specific site, leading to disagreements that can be difficult to solve.

    Many of these blind but significant details about monuments have never crossed my mind.  I never knew I had failed to realize the number of factors architects and designers have to consider when constructing a memorial.  This realization has shed light on the intricacies surrounding the placement of memorials and how it impacts the perception of these monuments.  The purpose of a memorial serves to commemorate an individual, but how much blur can the placement of the memorial distract viewers from the respect and admiration a monument truly deserves?


  1. I too just like you Andy was blind to the true meaning behind memorials. The factors towards building and designing memorials also takes a lot of consideration. Now that our knowledge on memorials has increased, we can now analyze memorials through a different lens.

  2. I also didn’t realize how significant the placement of memorials is and I always thought the memorial itself was what mattered the most. Now I understand that location can complement the structure by sparking up additional emotions.

  3. I also didn’t understand how much went into the design of memorials. Reading and discussing everything we did in English class really gave me context to a lot of memories I had. Like you I really didn’t think of how important the placement of a memorial was to the memorial’s ability to memorialize an event or person. But thinking back it seems so obvious. If the controversy of the location of the memorial overshadows what the memorial is trying to bring awareness to the memorial has ultimately failed at its job.


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